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Dear EMWPEC members and friends:

For 2023-2024 FY, EMWPEC will continue to strive to provide mission focused programs, in-person, virtual or hybrid. We are excited to continue to make progress in EQ parenting, community service, and youth-led projects.  

Your membership allows us to continue to serve our members and our community.  As July starts the new fiscal year, we invite you to renew your membership; here is what we have already planned for this fiscal year. Click Here.  All membership applications, renewal, and annual fee payments are now online at our website

During our economy, your membership is most needed as we must stay focused and proactive to collaborate and serve our members and community.

You are the lifeblood of EMWPEC.  Without your support, these service and enrichment events will not be possible.  Thank you again for being part of this multicultural and inter-generational parent education club. 

I look forward to meeting each of you and serving our community together. 

Best wishes,


Isaac Hung


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