Bike tour map

您喜歡騎單車嗎?也許年輕時您常騎單車,但是因為一些因素已有一段時間沒有騎單車了! 不論您喜愛單車活動的程度如何,我們想邀請你再度尋找此樂趣並汲取單車戶外活動之助益,您將可由此活動獲取廣泛之樂趣!
首先,這是一項最具經濟效益之交通活動,即使只是通勤去上學或上班; 同時,它也是一項絕佳之運動方式來保持健康與控制體重;此外,騎單車也是一種認識周遭自然環境的途徑;進一步來說,騎單車也是我們以身作則使用較少能源並減少汙染,給孩子們及下一代示範如何對環境更加負責、善待我們被給予的資源、與永續生存之方式。
衷心希望上述理由之一能激發您的興趣,盼望能邀請您來與跨齡族群的我們同樂,透過輕鬆、家庭休閒、美景及安全方式來進行騎單車活動。如果您有任何問題,請洽 Guenter ( 並請告知有多少人將參與此活動。如果有需要,我們樂意提供您活動前單車的安全檢測,請事前通知我們,以便我們安排時間與地點為您服務。希望近期內能見到您與您的單車!
Do you like cycling? Perhaps, you used to ride a bicycle when you were young but haven't done it in a while because of life's circumstances. No matter where you stand in regards to your interest in cycling, we invite you to rediscover the joys and benefits of this amazing outdoor activity, as it is so versatile and broad in terms of what you can get out of it.
First of all, it's an excellent economic way of transportation, even for regular commuting to school and work. Second, it's a very efficient way to exercise, just to keep healthy or specifically to manage your body weight. Third, cycling is a great way to discover our surroundings and get a better sense of our natural as well as urban environments. Last but not least (in fact for some of us, most importantly), we can set an example to our kids and future generations how to be more responsible with the natural world and the resources we are given, and live in a more sustainable way, by using less energy and producing less pollution.
Hopefully, one of these points triggered your interest, or else we invite you to just have some fun and get together with folks from all walks of life and age by doing a leisurely family-friendly bike ride, at a slow pace, in a beautiful setting and on a safe car-free path. If you have any more questions, please contact Guenter, and also let us know how many people might be coming with you. If anybody is interested, we would be happy to do a bike safety check and test ride prior to the actual ride. Again, let Guenter know ( if you are interest in that (or have questions about how to get with your bikes to the trail head), so we can set a time and place for it. Hope to see many of you with your bicycles soon!