Frontline Parenting - Unlock the Secret of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Sat, Sep 21
|Crowell Public (Library) of the City of
Young adults and parents are welcome

Time & Location
Sep 21, 2019, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Crowell Public (Library) of the City of , 1890 Huntington Dr, San Marino, CA 91108, USA
About the Event
** REGISTRATION: Seating is very limited. Please reserve your seats TODAY to attend this special parenting conference.
- Student Volunteer Click here or email Ambrose at
- Childcare available & is FREE. Registration is required. Contact Marilyn
- Light snacks/drinks will be served
- FREE for all club members; $ 5 suggested donation for non-member to attend.
About the Conference:
Frontline Parenting - Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Achieving Leadership Success- Research shows that a person’s EQ is a greater predictor of happiness and success than his or her intellectual intelligence (IQ). Young adults or parents will learn to be aware of their own and others’ emotions, how to handle setbacks without feeling distraught; to communicate more effectively and eloquently; to show respect, restraint and responsibilities. This special workshop is designed to help high schoolers to establish good study habit and time management. They will learn how to set and reach personal goals in order to become effective and influential leaders.
About our speaker:
Becky Lei is an international motivational speaker, author, and life coach in the areas of Emotional Intelligence, Parenting skills and Leadership. She earned her Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership at Azusa Pacific University. Becky formerly served as both a member and the President of the School Board for Unified School District of San Marino. Becky was awarded with “Outstanding Service Award” for Asian Pacific Islander Heritage month celebration sponsored by the Office of California State Assembly Woman.
1) 社交禮儀﹕第一印象的重要性
2) 禮貌與責任: 學習尊重﹐自律﹐負責
3) 潛能發揮﹕培養自信﹐將潛能發揮淋漓盡致
4) 時間管理:有效的完成學校的功課,分辨任務的緩和輕重
5) 增長EQ:解讀情緒智慧;學習情緒管理
6) 領導者訓練﹕發揮影響力﹐邁向成功的道路
雷洛美-組織行為/領導學”碩士/EQ 禮儀專家曾任瑪利諾市的學區教育委員會主席﹐曾任洛杉磯郡教育部指派親子師資培訓的教師 (Master Trainer)﹐國際真愛家庭協會特約講員﹐恩泉輔導中心顧問﹐聖瑪利諾華人協會顧問主席和南加州華裔家長教師協會榮譽顧問。旅居美國40餘年﹐熱心公益﹐活躍於美國主流社會以及華人社區。
雷洛美擁有太平洋研究院潛能發揮講師的執照。曾在聖瑪利諾高中以及真愛家庭協會開課教青少年潛能發揮及領導者訓練﹐ 也在不同場所開課訓練成人親子教育﹐職場 EQ﹐社交禮儀 和婚姻輔導。 是一位激勵演說家﹐老師﹐作家﹐商業管理顧問和兒童心理輔導。