This HEALTHY FAMILY DAY Celebration is the biggest and most fun community event before summer comes. We are cordially inviting you to join our most popular annual party to help us make a positive impact on our community. It is a FREE event. But please bring your favorite dish to share with 10 new friends. ($10 donation per adult and $5 per child under age 12, if you don't bring a dish)
The festival will include international food, cooking demo, family sports and games, crafts, music, entertainment and a raffle that you don't want to miss. It is a private reserved party at Lacy Park, San Marino. Space is limited. Sign up online soon please click here.
這是夏季來臨之前最大最有意義的社區活動 - 健康家庭日慶祝活動。 我們誠摯邀請您參加這個最受歡迎的年度聚會。整個活動是免費。 但請帶上您最喜愛的菜餚來和新朋友分享。 (如果你不帶菜的話,也歡迎參加。 建議每位成人10美元,兒童12歲以下$5美元的捐獻)
節日將包括國際美食,烹飪演示,家庭體育運動,遊戲,及手工藝,音樂,娛樂和抽獎,請不要錯過這麼開心的家庭及社區的活動機會。 本次活動是在聖馬力諾Lacy Park有預定來特別舉辦派對。 報名人數有限。 請盡快在線註冊,請點擊這裡。報名截止日以人數滿為止。 謝謝大家!